Cornerstone Mold

Cornerstone Mold Services

Mold Symptoms and Mold Exposure

Symptoms of mold exposure can range from mild irritations to extreme symptoms. Both the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have classified mold toxins as carcinogenic: cancer-causing. The health effects can vary greatly, depending on four risk factors.

Below, you’ll find a brief description of each.

Mold Spore Levels

Concentrated amounts of spores can amplify mold symptoms. When performing air quality testing, elevated mold spore counts are defined as indoor levels of spores higher than those occurring naturally outside. Typically, if the environment’s mold spore count is higher, the symptoms of mold exposure can be more severe.

Time of Mold Exposure

Prolonged exposure to mold spores can lead to a host of symptoms, including mycotoxicosis. Fine and ultra-fine particulates can build up in the human body over time, and the longer you are in a mold-contaminated environment, the higher your risk factors become for more severe health effects.

Immune System

Mold can affect different people’s immune systems in different ways. Your immune system will dictate mold symptoms such as allergic reactions and invasive fungal infections. For example, one member of the household may have a more adverse reaction to the mold infestation than other people under the same roof. However, if left untreated, mold exposure can lead to a lowered or compromised immune system.

Mold Toxins

Mold toxins have been connected to some of the most harmful mold symptoms. Mold will produce toxins at different points during its life cycle. Mycotoxins are a dangerous toxin that comes from mold. These toxic compounds will attach to fine and ultra-fine mold spore particulates, making them extremely difficult to remove from the human body. Mycotoxins have been classified as a carcinogen by the CDC and EPA.

Types Of Mold Exposure

Early Exposure to Mold Symptoms

Eye Irritation
Skin Redness
Skin Rash

Moderate Exposure to Mold

Breathing Disorders
Nose Bleeds
Ear Infections
Chronic Sinusitis
Chronic Bronchitis
Pain in Muscles and Joints
Coughing up Blood
Nervous Disorders
Heart Palpitations
Blurred Vision
Swollen Glands
Weight Loss
Chronic Fatigue
Loss of Appetite
Open Skin Sores or Lesions
Fungal Nails (Hands or Feet)
Sexual Dysfunction
Thyroid Conditions

Long Term Exposure to Mold

Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Memory Loss (long-term)
Bleeding lungs
Kidney Failure
Liver disease

Early Exposure to Mold Symptoms

Eye Irritation
Skin Redness
Skin Rash

Moderate Exposure to Mold

Breathing Disorders
Nose Bleeds
Ear Infections
Chronic Sinusitis
Chronic Bronchitis
Pain in Muscles and Joints
Coughing up Blood
Nervous Disorders
Heart Palpitations
Blurred Vision
Swollen Glands
Weight Loss
Chronic Fatigue
Loss of Appetite
Open Skin Sores or Lesions
Fungal Nails (Hands or Feet)
Sexual Dysfunction
Thyroid Conditions

Long Term Exposure to Mold

Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Memory Loss (long-term)
Bleeding lungs
Kidney Failure
Liver disease

Why Does Mold Testing and Inspection Matter?

Information regarding mold exposure is never meant to invoke fear. Rather, it is a reality that requires attention. Mold testing and inspection are your first line of defense against this insidious threat. Inspection will:

Identify Hidden Mold: Our experts uncover mold lurking where you least expect it, which can prevent further damage.

Assess Health Risks: We evaluate the extent of exposure and provide recommendations to safeguard your health.

Ensure Peace of Mind: Knowing your space is free from mold allows you to breathe easier and enjoy a healthier life.

Our Mold Inspection, Testing, and Air Quality Services

At Cornerstone Mold, we offer a wide range of services to ensure your safety and well-being in a home or business environment that’s free from mold. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to addressing mold and air quality concerns.

Our services are more than just identifying mold. We’re about providing solutions that create healthier living and work spaces. No matter if you need residential or commercial mold inspections, advanced detection methods, specialized testing, or even air quality assessments, we’re here to help you with every step of the process in creating a safer, healthier environment.

Below are the services we offer:

Residential Mold Inspections

Our residential mold inspections are built to serve homeowners who suspect mold issues in their homes. We conduct thorough assessments to identify and address mold problems swiftly, helping you maintain a healthy living environment.

Commercial Mold Inspections

Mold exposure isn’t limited to homes — it can occur in businesses and your place of work. Our commercial mold inspections are designed to safeguard the health of employees, students, clients, and visitors. We assess your commercial space to detect, test, and advise in a discreet and efficient manner.

Infrared Detection

With cutting-edge infrared detection technology, we identify hidden moisture and potential mold growth inside walls and structures. This non-invasive tool allows us to detect potential infestations early and craft targeted solutions to eliminate any potential problems.

Moisture Testing

Moisture is a key factor in mold growth. Our moisture testing services help detect areas with excessive moisture levels, addressing the root cause of mold problems and preventing any future potential issues that may arise.

Humidity Testing

With our humidity testing services, we help monitor and regulate indoor humidity levels. By maintaining optimal humidity, we can help curb mold growth and improve the overall indoor air quality.

ERMI Testing

The Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI) test assesses mold contamination or a property. This specialized testing provides a comprehensive picture of the mold types and concentrations in your environment.

VOC Testing

Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOC, can be released from mold and other sources, which can impact indoor air quality. Our VOC testing will help identify and mitigate these compounds, ensuring a healthier indoor environment.

Water Testing

The quality of your water can directly affect mold growth and indoor air quality. Our water testing services will assess the safety and purity of your water supply. Knowing the quality of your water can help you make more informed decisions about how to treat it properly.

Air Quality Testing

If you want to assess your interior air quality for any pollutants, such as mold spores, allergens, and other contaminants, our Air Quality Testing services are the perfect solution. We provide comprehensive reports and recommendations to improve your indoor air quality.

Our services are not just about identifying mold; they’re about providing solutions that create healthier living and working spaces. Whether you need residential or commercial mold inspections, advanced detection methods, specialized testing, or air quality assessments, Cornerstone Mold is here to meet your needs.

Contact us today to schedule your mold inspection, testing, and air quality services and take a proactive step toward a mold-free and healthier environment.

RapidReports Express

We understand that when it comes to mold and the health and safety of your home or business, time is of the essence. That’s why we’re proud to offer “RapidReports Express,” an exclusive add-on service designed to provide lightning-fast results and peace of mind.

Understanding the Risks of Undetected Mold

Mold is a silent intruder that often goes unnoticed, no matter if you’re in the Upstate, the Cola area, or even the LowCountry. It can wreak havoc on not only your health but also your property without your knowledge. Because its presence is frequently undetected, the effects of mold exposure can be deeply unsettling.

Understanding the Risks

Mold spores are everywhere, but when they find a conducive environment indoors, they can multiply rapidly. Exposure to mold can cause a wide range of health issues, especially for those with allergies or weakened immune systems.

Respiratory Distress

Mold spores can trigger respiratory problems, even in people without respiratory conditions. Coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath can become daily problems for those exposed to mold.

Allergic Reactions

Sneezing, itchy eyes, and skin rashes are just a few of the common allergic reactions to mold. These symptoms can persist until the source of the mold is eliminated.

Unseen Intrusion

Mold frequently thrives in hidden places: behind walls, under floors, and especially in damp, neglected areas. By the time you see visible signs, the problem has often already escalated.

Why Choose RapidReports Express?

Swift Results, Swift Action

With RapidReports Express, you’ll receive your lab results within 24 hours and comprehensive inspection reports in 48 hours. With expedited service, you can ensure that you take immediate action if any problems are detected.

Minimize Downtime

Downtime in institutions such as schools, government buildings, and even hospitals can be costly and disruptive. Our express service allows you to minimize downtime for addressing any mold or air quality concerns, as well as minimize disruptions within your operations and ensure the well-being of everyone in your building.

Stay One Step Ahead

Many people are unaware of how quickly mold and air quality issues can escalate. By choosing RapidReports Express, you’re showing a commitment to proactivity, safety, and the highest standards of care for your occupants.

Peace of Mind, Guaranteed

We understand that our RapidReports Express is an investment in your time and your health, but the peace of mind it offers is incalculable. When you choose our rapid service, you’re taking swift action for your safety with the fastest, most responsive mold inspection and testing services available.

Don’t compromise when it comes to the health and safety of your home or office. Choose RapidReports Express and experience the ultimate in mold prevention and detection. Contact us today to add this expedited service to your subscription or inspection package for swift, secure, and safe services.